Sanford Area Soccer League Parent Account Login

Board of Directors

The SASL Board of Directors are elected officials by a nomination process which takes place each year at our AGM. Each Board Member serves a minimum of three years, meeting once a month to review and make decisions on the clubs current and future plans.

Our 2024-2025 Board members are:

President:  Lars Jensen
Vice-President:  Emily Hare
Treasurer Patrick Fisher
Secretary:  Travis Grindle
Fields Coordinator:  Ryan Patterson/ Jeff Diven
Discipline & Appeals:  Travis Grindle
Girls Travel Liaison:  Ryan Patterson
Boys Travel Liaison:  Lars Jensen
Youth Academy Liaison:  Josh Defisher
Recreation Liaison:  Vacant
Sponsorship Committee: Robbie Felicio
Scholarship Committee:  Ryan Patterson, Lars Jensen

At-Large Robbie Felicio
At-Large Chris Stevenson
At-Large Hope Geist
At-Large Jeffrey Diven

Board members are elected at the clubs Annual General Meeting each November.  The meeting is held at the Northview Optimist Park Building at 6:30 pm.

Board Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm.  If you would like to address the Board please contact the Club Administrator at (919) 708-6886. (Board meetings are currently being held via Zoom. Contact if you would like to speak at a meeting)








Mailing Address:
PO Box 1212
Sanford, NC  27331

Ryan Patterson
Executive Director & Head Registrar

Anna Fish
Director of Coaching, Girls Travel

JR Hughes
Director of Coaching, Boys Travel

Drew Lyerly
Director of Coaching, Recreation

Jeff D Smith
Referee Assignor

Jenny Patterson
Office Manager & Assistant Registrar